Tiltonsville Police Dept.

            Dedicated to Serving and Protecting the Residents of Tiltonsville, Ohio

   222 Grandview Ave.
   Tiltonsville, Ohio

     Phone: (740) 859-2730
      Fax: (740) 859-6464

I keep getting harassing or annoying hang up phone calls. It's driving me crazy…what can I do?

Call the Police Department. We will have an officer respond to talk with you and assess your situation. In some cases the officer may be able to stop your problem just by talking with the person responsible for making the calls or you may elect to sign a complaint and let the matter be settled in court.

Sometimes in my neighborhood, I see things that seem out of place or unusual and people or vehicles who are suspicious. I don't feel comfortable calling the 911, can you tell me about the procedure?

At any given time police officers are patrolling the streets. The Tiltonsville Police Department relies on its citizens to alert us to any unusual situations. Anytime someone calls, a dispatcher will take the information, ask questions, decide on what/whom to send, and the urgency of the call. We will respond to every call for service, however when all the officers are busy calls are answered based on priority. You may report a crime or suspicious activity and remain anonymous.

How do I obtain a copy of a crash report?

If you are a party involved in a traffic crash, an insurance company or an attorney you may obtain a copy of the crash report. The fee for crash reports is $10.00. Note: access to crash reports is statutorily restricted during the first 30 days to involved persons, insurance companies and attorneys.

How do I obtain a copy of a police report?

If you have been involved in a police incident (excluding crashes), you may obtain a copy of the report from the Chief Of Police at the Police Department, three (3) working days after the date of the incident. Records business hours are 8 a.m. through 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. General police reports are reproduced at a cost of $10.00 dollars for complete report.

How does traffic radar work?

A Radar device sends out a radio signal which is reflected off the target vehicle and back to the device. The device then calculates the speed of the vehicle and displays it in miles per hour to the operator. The Radar devices have built in calibration systems to ensure their accuracy. Each Radar device is tested each day they are in use. Despite popular belief, the radar operator is not required to show the offender the radar speed

What can I do about speeding vehicles on my street?

Call the Police Department at 740-859-2730 and explain your situation. Your complaint will be recorded and efforts will be made to monitor the traffic in your area.

How do I apply for a position with the Tiltonsville Police Department?

Applications may be obtained from the Police Department. Hiring is done on an as needed basis. For more information contact Chief Davis 740-859-2730.